Elizabeth Cloude is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Tampere University, affiliated with the Faculty of Education and Culture and Gamification group. She is completing a secondment in the Institute of Psychology at the University of Graz under the supervision of Dr. Manuel Ninaus. In 2021, she earned a Ph.D. in Education and Learning Sciences from the University of Central Florida with Dr. Roger Azevedo. In 2022-23, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Penn Center for Learning Analytics at the University of Pennsylvania with Dr. Ryan Baker.
The heart of her research is situated in learning analytics, learning sciences, instructional design, and educational technology. Her ultimate goal is to develop intelligent and adaptive learning technologies that enhance the accessibility, inclusivity, sustainability, and overall quality of digital education, making the benefits of learning accessible to everyone.
She is leading a project (ID#: 101105874 funded by the European Union), AMELIA (emotionAl Modelling to Enhance Learning In gAmes), which focuses on measuring and modeling emotions as nonlinear dynamical systems with two game-based learning environments called Antidote COVID-19 and MediaWatch.
To collect emotions, a mixed-multimodal methods approach is utilized, capturing a range of data channels, including video recordings of facial expressions of emotions and posture, audio recordings of emote- and think-alouds, and computer-screen recordings of learner’s interactions with game-based mechanics, neuro-imaging data (NIRS and MRI), eye tracking, electrodermal signals, and heart rate during game-based learning.
Her research is supported by the European Union (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon programme) and the Jacobs Foundation. Her research has been published or is forthcoming in the International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, and the British Journal of Educational Technology, among other outlets.
Starting in 2025, she will be a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education within the School of Education at Michigan State University. She will lead the CLOUD laboratory (Computer-based Learning thrOgh the stUdy of Dynamic regulation).
Personal website: ecloude.github.io/
Links to Amelia project: